Discover all that the WBL Fellows Program has to offer! See below for program eligibility, FAQs, timelines, mission, and more.

Join a roster of dedicated, innovative startup leaders.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

The WBL Fellows Program cohort is open for women founders, co-founders, or CEOs of healthcare start-ups. The WBL Fellows Program is the next stage for your business after incubation, initial funding rounds, and early-stage, more “traditional” business accelerators. To be eligible for the WBL Fellows Program, a company must:

  • Be privately owned, no later than Series B

  • Be founded, co-founded, or led by a woman

  • Have a product on the market or ready for market that is solving a current challenge in the healthcare and life sciences industry in a new, unique, and perhaps a disruptive way. Consistent with WBL’s mission to improve the industry, priority is given to companies that are improving healthcare and directly changing the lives of patients.

  • Company is funded and financially viable through at least April 2025.

  • Be positioned to benefit from outside advisory, board, networking introductions, or other assistance that WBL members can provide. This almost always includes being at the stage and sophistication of being ready for, or having, a corporate board.

Priority will be given to current WBL members who apply.

Experience 6 months of connection, collaboration, and inspiration.

May/June 2024

Applicant Review and Interviews

July 2024

Fellows Cohort Selected and Announced

October 2024

Virtual Program Kickoff, In-Person Orientation and HLTH Reception (Las Vegas, NV)

Fall/Winter 2024/5

Mentoring and Advising Begins

January 2025

Virtual Spotlight Series

March 2025

WBL Summit (New Orleans, LA)

April 2025

Program Concludes

Frequently Asked Questions

The WBL Fellows Program is for women-led startups, running innovative and scalable ventures.

To be eligible, the company must be privately owned, and no later than Series B. Your company must have been founded within the last 5 years and feature a woman as founder, co-founder, or CEO.

Products should be on the market or ready for market and solve a current challenge in the healthcare industry. Considerations will be made for pharma and life sciences companies founded more than 5 years ago that are still no later than Series B.

We anticipate having 8-10 Fellows in our second program cohort.

Applications will be reviewed and scored by a Selection Committee who are current WBL members and represent a variety of areas within the startup and healthcare industry.

Our timeline looks like this:

Application Opens – April 18, 2024

Application Deadline – May 17, 2024

Applicant Review – May and June

Cohort Decision and Announcement – End of June 2024

In addition to financial support, members can volunteer in a few capacities including being a Fellows Advisor or offering ad-hoc advice and mentorship.

There is no application fee or participation fee. Fellows are responsible for their travel/hotel costs related to attending the 2 mandatory in-person events (2024 orientation/reception and 2025 WBL Summit).

Our program wouldn't be possible without the help of WBL members.

"Participating in the WBL Fellows program is hands down one of the most high value things I have done. WBL's incredible network of senior women in healthcare were so generous with their time and making connections."
Obi Felten
Founder and CEO of Flourish Labs
Inaugural WBL Fellows Cohort Member

Our program is built on principles that matter.

Our Mission

To invest WBL’s most powerful asset — relationship capital — into organizations with talented, innovative, and diverse women leaders at the helm to increase their likelihood of success.

We will facilitate warm, enthusiastic introductions and create powerful business relationships resulting in:

  • revenue-generating opportunities,

  • enhanced leadership skills,

  • increased access to capital, and

  • expanded networks with access to customers and talent.

This program will increase the influence and power of women in our healthcare system and prepare extraordinary women to break barriers and tackle the most complex healthcare challenges.

Our Vision

We envision a healthcare industry where the abnormally low investment funding gap for women founders is closed.

We want more women to have access to capital and to relationships that further their missions. More women in healthcare leadership results in a more resilient, innovative healthcare industry and a healthier world.

Our Values

Authenticity. Supportive, enthusiastic relationships that create revenue-generating impact, trusted mentorship, honest feedback, wisdom, and connections that last a lifetime. 

Boldness. We must work together to solve the biggest, baddest problems in healthcare.

Inclusivity. By valuing and respecting a wide variety of perspectives, we attract the best and brightest to create better business outcomes and competitive advantages.