WBL members are where diversity and globally-known health care expertise intersect.
Our members lead life science, device, and biotech companies, and serve on the executive teams of health plans and health systems. Representing 40% of Fortune 500 health care companies, WBL executives have substantial P&L ownership in their companies, and many sit on audit, finance, or nominating committees on public, private, and large nonprofit boards.
All opportunities will be kept completely confidential until appropriate permissions are given and any descriptions to be shared publicly are mutually agreed upon.
Being able to apply for and be considered for board openings is a WBL membership benefit. As a result, companies can use WBL to find prospective candidates at no cost.
1201 Wilson Blvd, Suite 2700, Arlington, VA 22209 | (703) 349-0900
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WBL Mission:
To connect and convene senior executive women from across the health care industry to create meaningful cross-sector relationships, expand their presence in board and C-level roles, and harness their collective power to improve the industry.