New Members – January 2022
In New Members
New Members – January 20222022-01-252022-01-25
- Jessica Calzaretta, Insight Global Health
- Alicia Coronas, Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC)
- Jennifer Farrell, Medtronic, Inc.
- Meg Harrison, Frame Fertility
- Michelle Horton, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP (PwC)
- Stephanie Kent, Carbon Medical Technologies
- Marnie Keogh, Magellan Healthcare, Inc.
- Karen Mahoney, Johnson & Johnson
- Maureen Nakly, IQVIA
- Jennifer Nicholus, CVS Health
- Sara Pierce, Magellan Health
- Vivian Riefberg, University of Virginia Darden School of Business
- Trish Rivard, Eliciting Insights
- Monica Schmiede, Athelo Health
- Valerie Simon, Lumeris, Inc.
- Andrea Sotak, DRI Capital
- Jennifer Sparrow, Javic Compliance Consulting LLC
- Tracy Taylor, Wellist
- Silvia Taylor, Novavax
- Jill Vance, Aveus, a division of Medecision
- Betty Wang, BW Primary Care, LLC
- Andrea Willis, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
- Linda Yang, Discover Claims
- Lisa Yee, Silicon Valley Employers Forum
Special thanks to Vonda LeDay, Senior Vice President, Operations, Magellan Health, for her commitment to growing WBL as this month’s top nominator. Do you know a female executive in your network who would benefit from a WBL membership? Nominate her for membership today!
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