Sponsor White Papers – May 2020
Sponsor White Papers – May 20202020-06-242020-06-24https://www.wbl.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/wbllogo_no-website_rgb_176px.pngWBLhttps://www.wbl.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/wbllogo_no-website_rgb_176px.png200px200px
Free White Paper: Observation vs. Inpatient: How to Manage Level of Care
Observation care carries various definitions, and is implemented inconsistently, but sits right at the center of the inpatient admission decision made millions of times a day. It also serves as one of the major friction points between payers and providers.
Free White Paper: Modernizing the False Claims Act to Better Align with Medicare Advantage Researchers at the George Washington University Milken School of Public Health published a paper highlighting the challenges associated with application of the current fraud and abuse legal framework to the Medicare Advantage (MA) program. The paper acknowledges the importance of protecting against Medicare fraud and abuse while encouraging innovative healthcare payment and delivery systems including MA and value-based care arrangements. The study describes how capitated models like MA fundamentally differ from fee-for-service payment systems, particularly with respect to the financial incentives inherent in each. It then goes on to illustrate how the framework of the False Claims Act (FCA) is misaligned with the incentives in MA and offers alternative approaches to guarding against fraud and abuse, while not stifling innovative payment models. This research is a good resource for anyone wanting a foundational understanding of MA payment, the FCA, and their intersection.
Announcement: EBG Launches Meal Donation Drive to Support Our Most Valuable Providers (MVPs) – Frontline Health Care Workers and Restaurant Owners
Health care providers have been on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis. These deeply committed professionals are tirelessly serving our communities, caring for coronavirus patients while being separated from their own families and loved ones. Meanwhile, restaurant owners that employ thousands of workers are facing closure and bankruptcy, leaving many with mouths to feed—all while struggling to provide and serve meals to their communities. Because of Epstein Becker Green’s focus on health care and labor and employment, we understand firsthand the ways that health care providers and restaurant owners have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic—as well as the residual impact on the U.S. labor market, more broadly. To support some of our country’s Most Valuable Providers (MVPs), we’d like to say “thank you” by setting the goal of raising $100,000 to provide at least 5,000 meals to those who serve us all. Please consider joining us in “Serving Those Who Serve Us” by donating through our GoFundMe page. And if you are unable to donate but would like to help, please visit our GoFundMe page and forward it to your friends and colleagues or re-share the post on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Health care providers have been on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis. These deeply committed professionals are tirelessly serving our communities, caring for coronavirus patients while being separated from their own families and loved ones. Meanwhile, restaurant owners that employ thousands of workers are facing closure and bankruptcy, leaving many with mouths to feed—all while struggling to provide and serve meals to their communities. Because of Epstein Becker Green’s focus on health care and labor and employment, we understand firsthand the ways that health care providers and restaurant owners have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic—as well as the residual impact on the U.S. labor market, more broadly. To support some of our country’s Most Valuable Providers (MVPs), we’d like to say “thank you” by setting the goal of raising $100,000 to provide at least 5,000 meals to those who serve us all. Please consider joining us in “Serving Those Who Serve Us” by donating through our GoFundMe page. And if you are unable to donate but would like to help, please visit our GoFundMe page and forward it to your friends and colleagues or re-share the post on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Announcement: New Enhancements to Aerial by Medecision Support Vulnerable Populations Impacted by COVID-19
Medecision, an integrated health management company supporting virtual care and digital health, announced important enhancements to its Aerial platform to help customers support their most vulnerable members and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Free Article: Beyond COVID-19: Preparing for a Future of Remote, Digital Interaction in the Healthcare Sector
The COVID-19 crisis has created new ways of virtual work and interaction for healthcare organizations that could become the norm. Consider 5 steps from West Monroe as you prepare for the months – and years – ahead.
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